
Ready to join us?
We hope to meet you soon

Thank you for your interest to become Member. The process of Membership follows a rigorous set of steps, and is approved by the Board of Directors.

(237) 691-710-690
The process



Download the application form from our website, fill the form and submit requiered documents, give the reasons for wanting to join the CACC.


Application review

The committee will review each application to ensure completeness and compliance with membership criteria, reaching out to applicants...


Evaluation by BoD

Applications approved by the committee are presented to the Board of Directors, which assesses each application to make informed decisions...



Receive an official notification of the Board's decision. Upon approval, learn about your benefits, responsibilities, and any applicable fees...

Required enrollment documents

Because cybersecurity is a critical industry, applications for membership in our academy are subject to a strict procedure. We need to collect some special documents about your interest to join Us. You must submit these fews documents.

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